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Our Company

نتمنى أن تصبح مؤسسة المنير الدولية كيان عالمي من داخل المملكة العربية السعودية والأستفادة من خبرات أعضاء أسرة المنير الدولية والتركيز بكل طاقتنا لتقديم خدمة فريدة مميزة للعملاء وتوفير كل سبل الراحة والمرونة والجودة بأقل التكلفة .
تعرفوا علينا من خلال الفيديو الترويجي .

Welcome Message

Welcome Message

Welcome to El Muneir International
At the beginning, El Muneir International Board of Directors is pleased to welcome visitors, shareholders and valued participants.
We are here today to extend the bridge between El Muneir International and its shareholders and customers.
In order to assure all our clients that whatever we are faced with and have undergone successive changes sweeping the world, we will maintain our established firm belief that human capital is the values ​​of the company's assets.
Where El Muneir International has a vast team of experienced and skilled workers who are confident and respected in various countries of the world.
In the end, we would like to confirm that you are honored to visit our website and follow the products available in it. We have the confidence that you will find everything you need from our products. For any other inquiries, contact us and one of our employees will answer your inquiry

Why Choose Us


We assure you the highest quality of tourism services.


Our services are well optimized for most budget ranges.


Our local partners provides the finest services.


We provide you with a quick and accurate worldwide support.

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Service Standards

نقدم لعملائنا كل الخدمات المتاحة لدينا

  • نساعد العملاء على الاختيارات الافضل .
  • نتأكد من سلامة كل العملاء .
  • نتأكد من كفاءة ممثلينا .
  • أعلى درجات المتابعة و ضمان الرضاء .
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